目前分類:隨筆短文 (11)

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感嘆四月太短  初夏將至
甜酒満腔  卻難冲淡心酸
那漆黑的孤寂  我很明瞭
靜待秋風雲散  星月相見
視野濛糊臉上泛著一顆顆的光芒  閃著我對你満満的祝福
感嘆九月太遠  夏季漫長。

Clong 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

哪天,當我喝伏特加能像喝水一般;那天,我就能把傷感如清水般喝下。 那天,該是哪天啊?

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有試過嗎?很累,累到連呼吸都覺得很累人的感覺…… 然後,會不經意的留意自己的呼吸,懷疑,快要昏倒了嗎?笑自己想太多的同時,開始有點迷惑。 是我很累,所以肋骨和胸骨間的肌肉都倦到想放棄?還是,我的胸口壓著些甚麼,連呼吸都要這麼費力呢?
有試過嗎?很累,累到步伐都已經不屬於自己的感覺…… 懦動,拖著那雙莫名其妙地重的腿,難道,是腿變胖了嗎?嫌雙腿不夠幼的同時,左右略過路人。 他們不斷穿插轉向,加速超前;冷漠的、無情的、不顧一切的,任由他們五花大綁的手拉車,踐踏著我僅有的支撐而過;即使我們彼此陌生,我看出他們都有必需趕赴的約會。 心里很想被他們的充實薰陶,可雙腿和呼吸都阻撓我的前進,旁人前進的勁向我的背推著、推著、緊迫著,我快要捉不住平衡了……
有試過嗎?很慢,慢到時間延緩至穿越空間的感覺…… 眼前,快鏡放映著高矮肥瘦的動態,唯獨,是我太慢了嗎?心身無力我沒能模仿,殼 -懸在異空間。 我試著閉著呼吸,把腳放慢;電影會因此而停頓嗎?停著,好等我看清屬於自己的位置……然後向它步近。這樣我才有屬於自己的角色。這樣我才不至迷失?!

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2010年3月20日像平常的星期六下午,我去深水埗找米奇。 我們穿插著深水埗的橫街,碰肩而過的有孤貧買菜的老人,他們拉著殘破手補的不織環保袋,盛載著撿了一天的飲料罐‘喳啦…喳啦…喳啦’。他們聽到的是零碎的毛錢累積成堆的聲音嗎?我卻聽到烈日暴雨,汗水雨水灑在鐵罐上的聲音;還有奔疲為家的婦人們操著帶口音的廣東話壓價叫買。 經過肉檔,肉的味道被潮濕的天氣凝在空氣中,那種黏黏重重的生肉味步步撲面。走著走著,隨著肉味的漸遠,……聞到蠟腸的油香,我找到糯米飯;然候是搶味的韭菜,我找到用青蔥打了記號的韭菜豬肉包。媽媽髮髻蘕鬆,不再像柳枝的指尖翻著小錢包,臂下夾著不能說上是皮的皮包為吵耳頑皮的寶貝送上一嘴巴的包。 我站著,看著這一切……不知道為甚麼,他們的辛苦,我都看得好深刻。

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It's a cage that grows with age
Visitors are rare, they couldn't bear
The truth so blunt, it chokes their lungs
Clean the wounds, paint the pain
Hide the marks, sew a smile
Peek between the bars, you can see the guards
If you see where my heart locate
Come meet me by the

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No word, no message, no nothing, I thought lovers don't get bored of texting
Do you keep your feelings in your heart?
Seal them, frame them like pieces of art?

Call me superficial, I never liked Picasso
Call me blind, I cannot read minds

If busy were your reason I wonder if you'd think of me at all
If tired were your reason I wonder which bit of me you adore

When reasons turn excuses Is this how your love mutates?
All I want is a single message

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  • Jan 10 Sat 2009 12:42
  • Lies

I cannot forgive, your words are like myths
So true you insist, yet my instinct resist

Testimony you present
Hate to be duped, I resent

As I know too well, the truth is less than one percent

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Somehow, when I see the moon, it reminds me.....

Clamly, gently it shines like no other planet can compare
Adorn the insipid sky as it allures Levitate my soul as moonlight dazzles in lonely air
Seldom do we meet, yet my fondness never wither
Clouds may be in its way, but I know that it's there

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Because of your existance, my dear friend
I would never feel alone nor abandoned
Nor would I be an outcast for my thoughts and behaviors
I don't even have the slightest crave for love or care
How many light-years of luck did I exchange just to meet a friend like you?
It's impossible to count the figures
No words could I find to express how grateful I am. Not even close!
Therefore, I'll be shallow and plainly say: Thank you!
I thought this was limited to families or lovers, but truly.....
This is how I feel: "I can lose anything, but you!"
I'll always be your shield, as you are to me!
Against all sadness and evil deeds

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Moments of our sweeet past remains
its after taste Like ecstacy it reacts vigorously to my brain
When I reach out to hold illusions of your grace
Reality came through me like the winter rain

My guardian angel, come collect my shattered soul
Point me the path that leads to his perfect clone
Is my Romeo with a heart so cold?
Ruthelessly abandon me to dwell on earth alone

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If I were to tell you how I really feel
If I were to reveal the love I've sealed

The rate of my heart would turn my face cherry
although my body's stiff, my legs've gone jelly

But hold on, I must not be afraid
For loving you, it's like a garden in May.
So beautiful! Oh, your sparkling eyes give me strength
"I'm in love with you! Be mine, will you?"

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